
My real name is Alois Mahdal. I am many things, but my most "publish-able(-ish)" persona could be described something like this:

Software developer, quality and ethics advocate. I spend most of my time writing Python on backend and some Javascript / Vue.js on frontend.

My home stack is vanilla Debian with i3wm, urxvt (recently being pushed out by alactritty) and Neovim. My favorite PEPs are PEP20 and PEP8. And last time I dual-booted, it was Debian and Fedora.

I've spent a lot of my days writing Bash and Python. In the olden days (late 2000s) it used to be Perl as well. Tech I'd love to work with more (one day...!) include Zig, HTMX, maybe Gleam, Go language or Lua.

My non-computing interests are music listening and exploration, art, graphical novels, psychology, science, (mostly indie) video games, and ... the list goes on in my head but I'll just stop here.

When I'm not hacking on some code or tryng to satisfy my curiosity with videos and podcasts, I like to play videogames, take walks or hang out with some of my many little nephews.

published by mdpublish, 2024-07-02